For Anyone Looking To Remove Fear From Public Speaking

"New Workshop Reveals A Counterintuitive Approach That Makes Public Speaking Easy Without Embarrassment Or Making Mistakes"

While also gaining unshakeable confidence, attracting high quality opportunities, and establishing a world-class reputation

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What is the Public Speaking Accelerator?

The Public Speaking Accelerator is a counterintuitive approach to remove the fear from public speaking, that allows you to easily speak in public without making mistakes that could ruin your reputation, without the embarrassment, and without trying things like “imagining the audience naked” .

We achieve this by installing a proven system that rewires your natural speaking ability

Just like having your own personal TED Talk coach in your pocket - without endless rehearsals, without memorizing scripts, and without fighting against your natural personality.

And as a result...

This frees you up to focus on your message and connect with your audience authentically.

This is the Public Speaking Accelerator.



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Public Speaking Accelerator

is a shortcut.

Before I created the Public Speaking Accelerator - I was struggling with my fear of Public Speaking for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I was working endlessly - trying everything the "experts" recommended. I bought every course, watched countless YouTube videos, practiced in front of mirrors, recorded myself speaking over and over, and even tried memorizing entire presentations word for word.

I got myself a deal I never signed up for.

Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of the old ways.

After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way - without anyone guiding me I've finally reached a point where I went from a nervous wreck who couldn't string two sentences together to speaking confidently in front of thousands, commanding six-figure fees for keynote speeches, and training Fortune 500 executives on how to communicate with power.

Now, you have the opportunity to skip the line and duplicate the entire Public Speaking Accelerator system I built by joining a workshop called the Public Speaking Accelerator.

Here's how it works

  Limited Time Special - Download The Digital Version For Only $47.00

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To

Skyrocket Your Brand Through Public Speaking 

We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves in this book so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this training.

  Backed By Our Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Here's Everything You're Getting 

For Only $47.00 Today

"Mason's teachings have made me a comfortable and more confident speaker - the results simple speak for themselves"

Emergency Confidence Kit

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


Presentation Template Library

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


Q&A Sessions

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


The Virtual Stage Mastery Kit

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


The Fearless Feedback Framework

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


Rapid Speech Builder

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


  Backed By Our Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

For anyone looking for a better way to get customers and clients...

Here's How I Went From A Terrified Speaker To Training Others By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Public Speaking Model Upside Down

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Public Speaking Accelerator

start reading here

Dear Future Public Speaking Accelerator Owner

From: The laptop of Mason VanMeter

Re: How to speak anywhere without fear, anxiety, or endless practice (and why this is your only way out)

Would it surprise you to learn that I went from a nervous wreck who couldn't give a simple presentation to training Fortune 500 executives using the information revealed in this revolutionary system?


You should be.

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-)

So Let Me Prove It To You

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of knowing how to speak in any setting, in front of any group regardless of size, and not be fearful.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT JOIN THIS WORKSHOP.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

 With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Public Speaking Accelerator model that ambitious professionals from all over the world are now using to get command of any room without anxiety or fear...

...And in turn transform their speaking ability faster than ever before...

...All while eliminating the need for endless practice and memorization so they can focus on delivering their message authentically...

...And best of all, achieve breakthrough results without fighting against their natural personality or spending thousands on courses that don't work.

And you can BET...

The Public Speaking Protocol is unlike any method you heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don't focus on endless hours of practice in front of mirrors

  • ​We don't focus on memorizing scripts word for word

  • ​We don't focus on watching countless YouTube tutorials that don't work

  • We don't focus on fighting against your natural personality

  • We don't focus on outdated speaking techniques that worked 3 years ago

In fact: we rarely (if ever) make you spend time recording yourself over and over or waste money on courses that don't deliver results

Get instant access to Public Speaking Protocol for only $47.00


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Join the 3 day live event for $347 Just $47.00!

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We focus on removing what's blocking your natural speaking ability rather than piling on more techniques - revealing the powerful communicator that's already inside you, lying dormant beneath layers of anxiety and fear

Like I said…

This is something completely different and it has the power to change

everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

The Public Speaking Accelerator model allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated when it comes to traditional public speaking training...

  • Spending hours recording myself hoping for improvement

  • ​​Following outdated YouTube tutorials that never worked

  • ​​Fighting against my natural personality and speaking style

  • ​​Wasting money on courses teaching techniques from 3 years ago

  • ​​Endless practice sessions that left me more anxious than before

The Public Speaking Accelerator Freed Me From All That And It Allowed Me To Removing My Fear Of Public Speaking

Here's what my life used to look like (and If you've ever ran a public speaking training program, then I'm sure you can relate)…

I call this the "Loop Of Doom":

  • Step 1 - Watch countless YouTube tutorials hoping to find the "secret"

  • Step 2 - Practice endlessly in front of mirrors feeling more anxious

  • Step 3 - Record myself speaking over and over, hating every take

  • Step 4 - Try fighting against my natural personality to sound "professional"

  • Step 5 - Spend money on courses teaching outdated techniques

  • Step 6 - Feel defeated when none of it works

  • Step 7 - Look for the next miracle solution

  • Step 8 - Start over

The Loop Of Doom not only sucked, but kept me stuck for 3 years - forcing me to stay at entry-level speaking gigs making less than $500 per event while working my ass off.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of being comfortable public speaking

... But before I gave up..

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A Workshop Called The “Public Speaking Accelerator” And You Can Start Using It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Mason VanMeter…

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

My life’s pretty good…I’m now able to live how I see fit, and do what I want. No limitations. If I want something I’ll buy it, if it looks fun I’ll do it. 

As of writing this, I’m currently living in Austin TX.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I’m The Luckiest Person On Earth - So Let’s Talk About Where I Was On 1/17/2020

I was 22 and living in a small town in Kentucky

I had no speaking experience beyond classroom presentations

I had no connections in the speaking industry

I had no money to invest in expensive training programs... and I had just been rejected from three sales opportunities I desperately wanted because of my "lack of stage presence"

This meant I couldn't break into the sales world I dreamed of joining

There's a stupid myth out there

...that if you just practice enough and follow all the traditional public speaking rules, you'll eventually become a great speaker… Well sometimes it doesn't..

And if you want to become a confident, impactful speaker who can command any room, it is almost never the answer...

I know, because I tried.

I gave it everything I had.

I gave it my BEST shot.

And it didn’t work.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right...

I Ended Up With More Speaking Fear Than When I Started And I Hated It…

I hated it because everytime I had to speak, I would instantly speed up, and just try to get through it as fast as humanly possible.

I had goals, dreams and aspirations...I wanted more out of life...

...and being stuck in a 9-5 wasn't going to work.

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I looked everywhere and a few months later I found it.

I stumbled upon a forum where a group of guys and gals were calling themselves "Keynote Speakers" making $5000-$10000 per event while traveling the world and actually enjoying what they were doing.

This was a cool concept to me, and as I researched more and more I found that most of them were just like me.

They also started with no connections, no fancy degrees, and no natural "gift" for public speaking.

The only difference was they had completely thrown out the traditional public speaking rulebook and instead focused on amplifying their authentic personality on stage rather than trying to fit some cookie-cutter mold of what a "professional speaker" should be.

Public Speaking Protocol Is One Of The Most Legitimate And Easy-To-Use Methods If You Want To Make Public Speaking Feel EASY

Just think about it: 

How many "professional" speakers do you see who sound completely robotic on stage? Nearly all of them, because they're following outdated rules.

Why do most speaking coaches focus on gestures and voice projection? Because they don't understand that authenticity connects more than any rehearsed movement.

How many talented people never share their message because they're afraid of "not being professional enough"? Thousands, and it's all because of this broken system.

What happens when you try to sound like someone else instead of yourself? You come across as fake and lose the audience's trust immediately.

Why do some speakers with less experience still manage to captivate audiences? Because they're real, authentic, and genuinely themselves on stage.

Being a "Natural Speaker" was the perfect thing for me...And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way?

And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way?

You Don’t Even Have To Memorize Lines Or Practice In Front Of Mirrors

Which means you can actually connect with your audience and make a lasting impact without spending endless hours rehearsing or trying to perfect every little movement...

All you have to do is focus on authentically communicating your message in a way that resonates with what your audience actually wants to hear.

Get instant access to the Public Speaking Accelerator for only $47.00


Only $347.00 $47.00 Save $300.00 today

Join the 3 day live event for just $47.00 and become a powerful, authoritative public speaker

Backed By Our Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

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And That Was The Birth Of My Adventure To Get Great At Speaking

After doing a bit of research - I started attending small local speaking events and studying what successful speakers were doing.

I wasn't looking to become a superstar overnight, I just wanted to understand how they made it look so effortless.

I had no idea how to command high speaking fees, how to get booked for major events, how to build a personal brand that attracted opportunities, or even how to properly structure a talk that would keep an audience engaged.

The traditional advice about gestures and voice projection wasn't helping at all.

All I knew how to do was practice my scripts over and over in front of my mirror, nervously.

And even though I had access to all the standard sales presentation techniques and traditional public speaking advice...

I still had to figure out how to make it work in real-world sales situations where my income and career were on the line.

Those cookie-cutter approaches just weren't cutting it in actual client meetings and sales presentations.

Looking back, those first 6 months were brutal.

Late nights.

Hard work.


I remember following all the conventional advice - practicing my pitch in front of the mirror, memorizing every objection handle, rehearsing my product demonstrations until I could do them in my sleep.

And yes, I was making some sales, but something wasn't right.

The more I tried to be "professional" and follow the script, the more my prospects seemed to put up walls.

They could sense I wasn't being genuine. Even worse, whenever I got thrown a curveball question or objection, I'd completely freeze up because I was so focused on remembering my lines instead of having a real conversation.

I was doing everything the traditional sales training said to do, but I was creating a bigger problem - I was coming across as robotic and untrustworthy, the exact opposite of what I needed to build relationships with clients.

My fear of public speaking was actually getting worse because I was trying so hard to be perfect instead of authentic.

That was my life and I was ready to quit.

But thankfully, I didn't...

That Was 5 Years Ago, And Fast Forward To Today And It Almost Seems Like A Bad Dream

Now, I've speak frequently in front of thousands of people live and in person.

What I used to think was scary, now energises me.

In fact, I proved the idea of “following the traditional life path” to be all wrong…

Instead of still being that nervous salesperson who dreaded every client meeting, stumbling through memorized scripts, and watching better communicators get all the big accounts and promotions...

I'm now consistently closing major deals, leading sales meetings with complete confidence, and actually enjoying the process of presenting to prospects.

I no longer feel that knot in my stomach before important meetings.

My income has more than doubled because I can effectively communicate value without sounding pushy or rehearsed.

Best of all, I'm teaching other salespeople how to break free from their fear of public speaking and finally start having real conversations with their prospects.

Now I speak on world stages in front of thousands of people EVERY year

Chatting with friends and writing this copy you’re reading.

I have my confidence back, the respect of my peers, and the ability to walk into any room knowing I can effectively communicate my message - whether it's a small team meeting or a presentation to the board.

Unlike other sales professionals who are still desperately trying to memorize scripts, practice power poses, and follow outdated public speaking advice, I've found a way to be naturally persuasive without the stress and anxiety.

You see, most salespeople will end up spending countless hours rehearsing in front of mirrors, watching YouTube videos about body language, and trying to copy what they think a "professional" speaker sounds like.

They'll waste time perfecting presentations that still feel forced and unnatural.

I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy...

It drove me to the point where I was actually becoming worse at presenting, not better.

The more I tried to be "perfect," the more robotic and disconnected I became.

My prospects could sense my anxiety and lack of authenticity from a mile away.

Instead of me building genuine connections with clients and closing deals naturally, I was turning into this overly-rehearsed, stiff presenter who was so focused on remembering my lines that I couldn't even have a real conversation.

I was working harder than ever but getting worse results because I was trying to be someone I'm not.

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Public Speaking Accelerator Model And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

Rather than getting nervous and fearful of speaking in front of a group, I get energized. 

Instead of doing all those things I mentioned above in order to get speak in public with ease, here’s what it looks like now..

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

Which Naturally Leads To…

Now getting top sales professionals and business owners coming to me for advice on presenting with confidence, even though just a few years ago I was the one hiding in the back of meetings.

The respect and opportunities just flow naturally now that I focus on real connection instead of perfection.

And the best part is that this newfound confidence has completely transformed my personal life too.

I actually enjoy speaking up in any situation now - from client meetings to social events. That gnawing feeling in my gut before presentations is gone, replaced by a calm certainty that I can handle whatever comes my way.

And I get to do exciting stuff both personally and professionally.

I get to do what I want, when I want because of all the awesome opportunities public speaking has opened up for me

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that I teach, you end up with no more fear of Public Speaking...

But it’s much more than that..

It’s Actually Total Freedom In Your Professional Life; Command Any Room, Close Any Deal...

How many public speaking approaches have you seen come and go through the years?

People trying to memorize word-for-word scripts...

Or practicing power poses in front of mirrors...

Or forcing themselves to be someone they're not to appear "professional"...

My results from authentic communication have been going for 5 years straight now.

Now, speaking of the model...

I'm going to share something that's a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes: I am actually hurting my own consulting business by showing you this system.

Because once you learn how to naturally connect with any audience without scripts or gimmicks, you won't need ongoing coaching or expensive training programs.

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Staying In Foveal View. AKA - Tunnel Vision

Here’s why:

There are two types of speakers out there.

There are the "fearful"  and there are "fearless."

For my first 2 years - I was one of the fellow fearful

Fearful speakers are always out there trying to think if what they are saying sounds good, if it makes sense, wondering what the audience thinks of them and their life decisions.

Their strategy is to try to increase their rate of speech, and get through it as fast as humanly possible, or not even speak at all.

And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time on...

  • Memorizing word-for-word scripts that sound robotic

  • Recording themselves over and over trying to perfect their delivery

  • Obsessing over every hand gesture and facial expression

  • Rewriting their presentations endlessly, never feeling satisfied

All of this requires time and energy.

The problem isn't the model itself it's that they're so focused on themselves and their performance that they completely lose connection with their audience. They're stuck in their own head instead of being present and responsive to the room.

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Public Speaking Accelerator model.

The solution?

We Visit External Orientation

That's right...

I said it, we go external from our body...

...Because I’d rather get instant audience connection and natural flow within minutes, instead of spending weeks memorizing scripts and rehearsing in front of mirrors until I'm exhausted

No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in the Public Speaking Accelerator, it's a workshop that shows you everything you need to know.

So Here's The $100,000 Idea Behind The Public Speaking Accelerator Model

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of public speaking and professional communication.

The entire landscape has shifted dramatically in the last few years - from in-person presentations to virtual meetings, from long-form speeches to quick, impactful talks. The old rules of engagement don't work anymore, and what used to take months of preparation now needs to happen naturally and authentically in minutes.

This has created a massive gap between those who can adapt and connect instantly with any audience, and those still stuck in the old ways of memorization and rigid presentation structures.

Now, most of these people looking to remove the fear and anxiety from speaking are looking for a new solution...

And as you may have guessed it - we have it.

And what's really cool is that instead of spending weeks preparing and stressing over every word, our approach lets you tap into natural communication patterns that create instant trust and connection.

You'll actually spend less time preparing and more time genuinely engaging with your audience, which leads to better results with far less effort.

The best part?

It works whether you're speaking to one person or a thousand, virtually or in-person.

That's Right - Given A Choice They Rather Focus Externally Than Internally In Their Thoughts

And that's where the Public Speaking Accelerator comes in...

It does this beautifully in 3 easy steps...

And that’s the difference here. 

When you speak publicly using this model the results are amplified and sustainable.

Doing anything else just gets you anxiety, an increased rate of speech which freaks the audience out and causes them to not like you unconsciously, and just makes for a terrible experience. You don’t want to be that person speaking or in the audience. 

I’m not saying old speaking models are bad.

What I’m saying if your goal is to make public speaking easy and hassle free, traditional methods might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

Traditional methods requires you to go into foveal vision, which causes you to begin rationalizing, making up narratives, focus on what you think the audience is thinking of you, and it takes up way to much mental energy, and it taxes you and paralyzes you. 

Going external how we teach just requires a simple shift of the body and public speaking instantly becomes easy even for the worst of the worstl.

And that's why this is different.

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can speak publicly easily

And once you start using this Public Speaking Accelerator model...

Getting rid of the anxiety and fear in speaking isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It’s something that occurs naturally when you use our approach - use the body to change the mind, compared to traditional teaching; using the mind to change the mind. They are teaching you to fight fire with fire and they say its your fault you got burned. I demand they be held accountable.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to a week from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Public Speaking Accelerator.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your new self for the first time, the version of you who speaking comes easy for.

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to get even remotely decent at public speaking…

I promise you this…

Anyone can remove fear from public speaking with the right model (more on this below)..

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me 3 years to "figure this out"...

...and another 2 years speaking in front of tens of thousands to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to watch the workshop and most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…

Here’s The Exact 3 Step System Revealed In The Public Speaking Accelerator For Making Public Speaking Fear Free

Step 1 - External Orientation Activation - (We'll rewire your focus from internal anxiety to external connection, instantly reducing fear and creating natural presence, leaving you indifferent to different stimuli that would normally bother you)

Step 2 - Audience Energy Mapping - (You'll learn to read and respond to audience energy in real-time, making every presentation feel like a natural conversation)

Step 3 - Flow State Speaking - (We'll unlock your natural communication abilities so you can speak effortlessly without scripts or memorization)

Those are the 3 steps to make fear of public speaking a thing of the past

All of this is revealed in the workshop called Public Speaking Accelerator in step-by-step detail.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to make public speaking easy for the person that seeks freedom and control in their life

And that's not all, because...

Here's What Else You're Going To Discover In The Public Speaking Accelerator

How To Speak Without Memorizing Scripts (so you can connect authentically with any audience without sounding rehearsed)

How To Command Any Room In Under 2 Minutes And make an impact immediately without lengthy preparation

How To Transform Anxiety Into Natural Presence And feel confident speaking in any situation without fighting your personality

How To Use External Orientation And eliminate speech anxiety instantly without traditional confidence-building exercises

How To Unlock Your Natural Speaking Style (so you can present powerfully without endless practice sessions)

We'll also show you how to command any room with natural confidence and authentic presence, connecting deeply with your audience while feeling completely at ease!

If becoming a powerful, fearless speaker who can deliver impactful presentations without anxiety or endless preparation is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.


[Insert bonus product presentation]


And Before You Download The Public Speaking Protocol…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $5.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come. But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...
I was planning on selling this event along with hardcopies for $197, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

By Lowering The Price To $47.00 It Allows Me To Impact More People And Help Them Get Onto Stages With Confidence

I consider that at true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $45.00 in advertising expense to sell one ticket.
So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, you'll call and ask to take additional classes or trainings from me. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting [INSERT 2ND SEXY BONUS



And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $[INSERT VALUE]




Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's ...

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
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Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $5.00

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the eBook, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $5.00 and let you keep the Public Speaking Accelerator book free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

This Offer Expires In 3 days

 so Here’s How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.

Price: $5.60

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Here's Everything You're Getting 

For Only $47.00 Today

Learn how to become a world-class speaker that can communicate with power and authority in just 3 days

340 Page AC Book

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21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


340 Page AC Book

(Digital PDF Download)

21 chapters. 7 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new customers & clients automatically.


  Backed By Our Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

The world tells you to practice more, prepare more, memorize more. But the secret to fearless speaking isn't adding techniques – it's removing what blocks your natural power.

Mason VanMeter

  Limited Time Special - Download The Digital Version For Only $47.00

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To

Become a powerful, authoritative public speaker

We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves in this book so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this book.

  Backed By Our Unconditional 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Your Purchase Is Backed By Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

I know that before I get into anything… I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

And even though it’s only $47.00 – you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

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 Frequently Asked Questions

Need help?

Is this right for someone building their personal brand?

Yes, this program is valuable for anyone looking to build their personal brand or establish themselves as an authority in their field. If you're an entrepreneur, consultant, coach, or content creator who needs to communicate effectively with audiences, this program can help you develop the speaking skills necessary to build your platform and attract opportunities.

What if I'm completely new to public speaking?

This program is specifically designed to work for complete beginners. The creator, Mason VanMeter, started with no speaking experience in a small town in Kentucky. The system was built from the ground up to help people who have no prior experience or formal training. You don't need any special background or natural talent – the program works by unlocking your existing communication abilities rather than trying to teach you new techniques.

What about experienced speakers who want to improve?

Even experienced speakers can benefit from this program. If you've been using traditional speaking techniques but feel that your delivery is too rehearsed or artificial, this program can help you develop a more natural, authentic speaking style. It's particularly valuable for speakers who want to move beyond basic competence to genuine mastery and connection with their audiences.

What about people who've tried other speaking programs without success?

This program is particularly well-suited for people who have tried traditional public speaking methods without seeing results. If you've attempted techniques like practicing in front of mirrors, recording yourself repeatedly, or memorizing scripts, but haven't found success, this program offers a fundamentally different approach. It's designed specifically to help people who have become frustrated with conventional speaking advice.

How is this different from other public speaking programs?

The Public Speaking Accelerator takes a fundamentally different approach from traditional public speaking training. Instead of focusing on memorization, endless practice, or fighting against your natural personality, this program:

Uses external orientation instead of internal focus

Emphasizes authentic communication over rehearsed delivery

Works with your natural speaking style rather than trying to change it

Eliminates the need for extensive preparation and practice

Focuses on removing mental blocks rather than adding new techniques

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 60 day money back guarantee in case it's not for you.

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